DoD Accelerating Innovative Technologies, Enabling Manufacturing Workforce

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July 6, 2022 | Originally published by U.S. Department of Defense on June 30, 2022

Groundbreaking technologies were on display in May when the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) nine Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs) demonstrated advanced materials, engineering, and manufacturing.

Leaders from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering in attendance included Deputy Undersecretary David Honey, Deputy Chief Technology Officer for Science and Technology Barbara McQuiston, and Director of Science and Technology Futures Dr. Kevin Geiss.

The DoD MIIs accelerate new technologies using federal funding combined with matching investment from academia, industry, and state governments, building a national network of public-private partnerships and creating an industrial common for manufacturing research and development (R&D while advancing workforce education and development. Marshalling the best talent across the country, the network strategically aligns resources to address critical technologies and drive interconnected manufacturing systems. The DoD Manufacturing Technology Program, or ManTech, oversees the nine DoD-sponsored MIIs.

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