The Best and Most Unique 3D Printer Materials: Photopolymer Edition

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July 14, 2016 | Originally published by Date Line: July 14 on

Navigating the world of 3D printing materials is no easy task, which is why companies like Senvol have created databases dedicated to every material associated with industrial 3D printing and 3D Matter is doing the same with desktop materials.

To contribute to the growing knowledge base around this topic, we are in the process of creating several in-depth guides examining the most widely used and most specialized 3D printer materials. The topic is a broad one, which is why we have chosen to break it down according to specific 3D printing processes, such as powder bed metal processes and fused filament fabrication.

This article in particular will take a look at that most intriguing class of materials known as photopolymers, essential to vat photopolymerization 3D printing processes—such as stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP) and the newer generation of continuous DLP technologies, such as continuous liquid interface production (CLIP) from Carbon—and material jetting processes, specifically PolyJet printing from Stratasys and MultiJet Printing (MJP) from 3D Systems.