Survivability and Lethality of Aircraft in Tactical Environments (SLATE) simulates a two-sided (red and blue) combat for a diverse set of players (air and ground systems) whose functions are shooters, weapons, and targets. These functions are defined across the survival/kill chain: detection/track, weapon engagement zone, weapon trajectory and guidance, vehicle flight performance, radio frequency countermeasures, weapon lethality and target vulnerability, and reactive logic capabilities. These functions provide a “first look,” “first shot,” “first kill” capability. The overarching simulation is to evaluate air-to-air missile, surface-to-air missile (SAM), ship-to-air missile (naval SAM), air-to-surface weapons, air defense artillery and gun threats against target’s fixed and rotary wing aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems, and weapons as targets. The number of systems and system features continues to evolve.
POSTED: February 2, 2024
The SLATE experience includes multiple ways to interact with the hybrid integration and visualization engine (HIVE) and its Air Combat Effects Library (ACEL) collection of simulations and data. SLATE supports an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) to enable the user to set up complex engagement simulations. The GUI supports interactive users, virtual users, constructive/batch users, and post-test event users.
- Interactive: GUI widgets provide a top-down, left-to-right structure that defines links across the survival/kill chain. The interactive user has an advanced array of graphical displays of the initial startup and playback.
- Virtual: The real-time virtual flight operator-in-loop mode includes hands-on-throttle-and-stick for fixed wing aircraft and pedals for rotary wing aircraft. The users can "see" the flight on flat screen monitors or with virtual reality headsets (SLATEv1.1.x).
- Constructive/Batch: The constructive batch mode can set up a robust set of parametric runs and display the results to the monitor or file. Batch mode supports two-sided combat. Large batch runs should export the results to a file, which is formatted for use in a spreadsheet application. SLATE/HIVE automatically supports multiple processors. User hardware with multiple processes will see significant wall clock runtime improvement.