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When the Rubber Hits the Road: Recycled Tires Fibers Create Stronger Concrete, Reduce Waste

UBC engineers have developed a more resilient type of concrete using recycled tires. The concrete has improved durability with better resistance to loads and cracking and could be used for concrete structures like buildings, roads, dams and bridges while reducing landfill waste. The researchers experimented with different proportions of recycled tire fibres and other materials

Potassium-Ion Battery Concepts for Sustainable Energy Storage

Researchers are making progress in developing rechargeable batteries based on potassium, a potential alternative to lithium that”s less expensive and far more plentiful, and also have shown how to derive carbon for battery electrodes from old tires. “With the growth of rechargeable batteries for electronic devices, electric vehicles and power grid applications, there has been

Recycling Technology Converts Plastic Waste to Energy

NASA’s expertise in rocket engine improvement helps optimize plastic recycling process equipment. As good as it feels to throw plastic items into the recycling bin, the fact is most of that plastic goes unrecycled, according to Jim Garrett, a veteran of the oil and gas industry. “It’s a dirty little secret in America that 90