TechNet Indo-Pacific

October 22, 2024 - October 24, 2024

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Hosted By: AFCEA

Location: Honolulu, HI

TechNet Indo-Pacific is a strategic event in the Indo-Pacific Rim. This year’s conference — “Free – Open – Secure” — focuses on the critical issues identified by regional military leaders to maintain and protect data and information flow, internally and with regional partners and allies. USINDOPACOM works closely with partners to enable resilient, survivable and secure collaboration across the spectrum of contingencies. TechNet Indo-Pacific, now in its 39th year, features speakers and discussions, many qualifying for Continuing Education, on how industry, academia, and government can address and solve regional challenges. Exhibitors demonstrate solutions and services to meet the military services’ requirements. TechNet Indo-Pacific is co-sponsored by AFCEA International and AFCEA Hawaii.

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