Getting Started in Automotive Smart Vision Design

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February 6, 2018 | Originally published by Date Line: February 6 on

Advances in embedded vision technology have heightened interest in applying smart vision solutions for automotive safety. Despite past difficulties in overcoming the complexity of embedded vision design, designers today can take advantage of image-processing software, vision processors and specialized development systems to get started in exploring automotive smart vision applications.

Embedded vision technology offers tremendous potential for enhancing automotive safety by simplifying the driving process. Unlike the simple rear-vision cameras commonly available today, automotive embedded vision provides the foundation for automatic driver assistance systems (ADAS) intended to relieve the cognitive load on drivers and enhance overall safety. Providing 360° coverage, automotive vision design seeks to surround the vehicle with vision systems able to recognize and track potential hazards — helping drivers through lane-departure warning, collision avoidance, pedestrian detection and more.

Until recently, the concept of automated, vision-based hazard identification and tracking remain largely limited to research efforts or highly funded mil/aero projects. The emergence of readily available software and hardware solutions for embedded vision has dramatically lowered the barrier to entry — and fueled a rapid growth in interest in leveraging embedded vision technology in automotive safety.