This Could Be the Most Biomimetic Prosthetic Hand Yet

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February 25, 2016 | Originally published by Date Line: February 25 on

There are now countless versions of 3D printed prosthetics out in the world, so many so that we come across new ones every day.  Just yesterday, one solid Metal Gear Solid fan even had his own 3D printed prosthetic developed, modeled after the game. Now, two researchers from University of Washington, Zhe Xu and Emanuel Todorove, have directed their focus on the biomimetic functioning of the human hand, creating what could be the most “human” anthropomorphic robotic hand ever created. Before constructing the robotic hand, the duo started with a laser-scanned human skeleton hand. Xu and Todorove then 3D printed artificial bones that were modeled after the scan, which enabled them to duplicate the complex unfixed joints we have in our hands.