Practical Shock Analysis & Design Training in Minneapolis, MN

August 15, 2022 - August 19, 2022

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Photo courtesy of the Equipment Reliability Institute
Photo courtesy of the Equipment Reliability Institute

Hosted By: Hi Test Labs

Location: Minneapolis, MN

This five-day course will provide a comprehensive treatment of practical shock design and analytical shock simulation, with special emphasis on requirements, methods, and procedures for naval qualification for shock produced by underwater explosion by both test and analytical means. Participants will increase their knowledge and understanding of the analytical and experimental tools that are available for shock design and qualification, particularly with respect to requirements that are imposed for shipboard equipment. Classroom lectures will provide a basic review of vibration and shock theory and will present the analytical and experimental methodology in the context of particular design applications. Analytical lectures will emphasize the physical significance of the results. Examples and case histories will be used as illustrations of design approaches; workshop problems that involve class participation will be used to advantage throughout the course. Class members will be encouraged to propose real design problems. The instructors will provide guidance for solutions or the problems may be used as class exercises.

The course will be especially useful to those concerned with shock design and/or qualification of structures, machinery, and equipment for U.S. Navy combatant vessels. Current applicable acquisition programs include DDG 51, DDG 1000, LPD 17, SSN 774, OHIO Replacement, CVN 78, LHA 6, LCS 1&2, FF, as well as fleet upgrades and service life extensions.

Although this course is aimed primarily at shock design applications on naval vessels, the analysis and design techniques presented are equally applicable to design and modeling related to seismic shock, blast-induced ground shock, pyroshock, gunfire shock, ballistic shock, and vehicle mobility shock.

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