The Directed Energy Systems Symposium focuses on systems aspects of directed energy in a limited-attendance environment. Some portions of the Systems Symposium are held at a CUI/Limited Distribution level while others are conducted at the Secret level.
- Tuesday AM plenary session
- System-oriented breakout technical sessions (CUI & Classified)
- HEL Programs and Systems
- HPM Programs and Systems
- HEL Lethality/Vulnerability and Effects
- HPM Effects
- DE System Modeling and Wargaming
- CDEW Technologies
- Pulsed Laser Systems and Effects
- DE Bio-effects
- Power Distribution and Energy Storage
- DE Manufacturing/Industrial Base
- DE System Readiness and Sustainment
- Laser Technology for Space Applications
- DE for Strategic Platforms
- Open Architectures
- DE Non-Lethal Weapons
- Exhibits and an Exhibitor Reception
- Professional Development Short Courses