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Carbon Nanotubes to Boost Communications

The quantum technology may improve everything from 5G to tactical radios. High-frequency radios may be more resilient, military sensors more sensitive, and 5G communications more versatile because of a technological breakthrough initiated by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL). Carbon nanotubes, the exotic material that offers a broad scope of promises, can now be fabricated

Argonne’s Advanced X-rays Are Beaming the Way to Smarter Helmets

Researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and Northwestern University are collecting and deciphering data from high energy x-rays beamed onto human skulls to better grasp bone mechanics and develop smarter, more protective military helmets. Argonne’s X-ray Science Division group leader and physicist Jonathan Almer told Nextgov how the lab’s advanced photon

Manufacturing Tungsten Carbide Is Hard. So the Army Research Lab Figured Out How to 3-D Print It.

To reduce the manufacturing costs of making tungsten carbide tools, a team of researchers at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory has figured out how to 3-D print it into the exact size and shape they want, with little to no post-machining required, according to a U.S. patent application first made public on Thursday. Tungsten carbide