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Argonne’s Advanced X-rays Are Beaming the Way to Smarter Helmets

Researchers from Argonne National Laboratory, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, and Northwestern University are collecting and deciphering data from high energy x-rays beamed onto human skulls to better grasp bone mechanics and develop smarter, more protective military helmets. Argonne’s X-ray Science Division group leader and physicist Jonathan Almer told Nextgov how the lab’s advanced photon

Experimental Study on Shock Wave Mitigation Capability of Polyurea and Shear Thickening Fluid Based Suspension Pads

The present experimental study investigates shock wave mitigation capability of potentially new personal protective equipment (PPE) suspension pads made from polyurea and shear thickening fluid (STF). The shock tube test results show that when placed behind Twaron fabric systems with thickness ranging from 2 mm to 18 mm, the replacement of conventional flexible foam pad

3M Co. Launches New Combat II Ballistic Helmet

3M Co. has introduced a new combat helmet designed to help soldiers survive an expanded number of ballistic threats during combat. It’s part of an effort to produce the next level of safety products for soldiers. With enhanced ceramics, the new Combat II Ballistic Helmet L110 can help protect servicemembers from bomb fragmentations, blunt impacts,