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Marines Qualifying 3D Printed Replacement Impellers for Battle Tanks

3D printing is proving to be an important manufacturing technology within the defense sector. In the U.S. especially, resources are being allocated to explore the use of the technology for producing replacement parts on the fly, so that military equipment can be kept up and running. Recently, the Marine Corps Systems Command teamed up with

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Tagging Detects Counterfeit Equipment

In order to identify counterfeit equipment and remove them from the supply chain, RDECOM ECBC scientists have developed a method to use DNA tags to identify them. A few years ago, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee issued a report stating counterfeit components were frequently found in the supply chain, usually electronics. They noted that

USAMMA Works to Medically Equip the Army for Less Money

The U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency teamed up with Defense Health Agency, Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support and the Navy Printing Office to significantly reduce the cost of a common and essential tool used on the battlefield – the Tactical Combat Casualty Care card. The TCCC card, officially known as DD Form 1380, is a