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Marine Corps Eyeing Modular, Interoperable Robotic Systems

At the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory, officials are grappling with an evolving threat environment that requires the development of cutting-edge capabilities to keep pace with adversaries, said Jeff Tomczak, the lab’s deputy director for science and technology. One area of focus is the infantry squad. The service wants to give Marines robotic systems that enhance

Next-Gen Underwater Drone Boosts Naval Capabilities

The workhorse of the military”s undersea drone inventory is an autonomous device 8 feet long and 12.5 inches in diameter. It”s good up to depths of about 600 meters. As mine-seekers, these machines have proven their stripes. But the next generation is going to be something else entirely: more than 25 feet long, 48 inches

Army Transforms Fleet of Bomb-Detecting Robots to Common Standards, Chassis

The Army is transforming its fleet of transportable robots to a common set of standards to expedite modernization, interoperability, autonomy and mission flexibility. During the last decade and a half of ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army acquired and fast-tracked as many as 7,000 unique robotic systems in an effort to keep pace