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Nanoparticle Tuning for New Optomechanical Applications

Like a tuning fork struck with a mallet, tiny gold nanodisks can be made to vibrate at resonant frequencies when struck by light. In new research, Rice University researchers showed they can selectively alter those vibrational frequencies by gathering different-sized nanodisks into groups. Researchers tested more than a dozen sample groupings of nanodisks using electron

Guiding Light: Sandia Creates 3-D Metasurfaces With Optical Possibilities

Metamaterials don’t exist in nature, but their ability to make ultra-thin lenses and ultra-efficient cell phone antennas, bend light to keep satellites cooler and let photovoltaics absorb more energy mean they offer a world of possibilities. Formed by nanostructures that act as “atoms,” arranged on a substrate to alter light’s path in ways no ordinary