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Facebook is Reportedly Testing Solar-Powered Internet Drones Again

Facebook last year grounded its ambitious plan to develop a solar-powered drone to beam internet across the world, but the company isn’t done with the concept, it seems. The social media giant is working with aeronautics giant Airbus to test drones in Australia, according to a new report from Germany’s NetzPolitik. Using a request under

Future Plans Emerge for Navy’s Triton Surveillance Drones

It could be several years before the Navy can deploy persistent, around-the-clock surveillance using its new high-flying surveillance drone. The MQ-4C Triton, a cousin of the Air Force’s RQ-4 Global Hawk, is capable of flying at altitudes of 50,000 feet for over 24 hours providing persistent intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance in maritime environments. Last November

Facebook Takes Flight – Inside the Test Flight of Facebook’s First Internet Drone

At 2AM, in the dark morning hours of June 28th, Mark Zuckerberg woke up and got on a plane. He was traveling to an aviation testing facility in Yuma, AZ, where a small Facebook team had been working on a secret project. Their mission: to design, build, and launch a high-altitude solar-powered plane, in the