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Air Force Looking Into DE Weapon Prototypes for Counter-Cruise Missile Experiment

The Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation office is exploring fieldable prototypes of directed-energy (DE) weapon systems that can participate in an anticipated demonstration for counter-cruise missile airbase defense. The office released a notice on Federal Business Opportunities today requesting information from the Pentagon, other government agencies, and industry on high-energy lasers or high-powered

USAF Directed-Energy Weapon “THOR” Can Down Swarms of Drones Simultaneously

The U.S. Air Force recently unveiled its newest anti-drone weapon called THOR, which is short for Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder. The system was developed by the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. THOR only took 18 months to develop for around $15 million — a relatively