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Step Towards Light-Based, Brain-Like Computing Chip

Scientists have succeeded in developing a piece of hardware which could pave the way for creating computers resembling the human brain. They produced a chip containing a network of artificial neurons that works with light and can imitate neurons and their synapses. This network is able to ”learn” information and use this as a basis

AI May Read Soldiers” Intents, Anticipate Their Needs

Scientists at the Army Research Lab are studying how brain activity could be harnessed to optimize a performance of a human-machine team. By feeding artificial intelligence systems information about a soldier”s intent, advanced systems “could dynamically respond and adapt to assist the soldier in completing the task,” said Jean Vettel, a senior neuroscientist at ARL”s

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

An employee at the U.S. embassy in Guangzhou, China allegedly suffered mild traumatic brain injury after hearing a vague and abnormal sound, which was revealed in a May 23 health alert released by the embassy. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was quick to draw similarities between the incident and a 2016 incident in Havana, Cuba,