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Quantum Tech Developments by NRL Could Advance Lasers and Sensing

WASHINGTON. Researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) developed a new technique that could enable future advancements in quantum technology.The technique squeezes quantum dots, tiny particles made of thousands of atoms, to emit single photons (individual particles of light) with precisely the same wavelength and with positions that can be less than a millionth

DARPA Eyes Tiny Insects as Models for Advanced SWaP-Constrained Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computing

ARLINGTON, Va. – U.S. military researchers are drawing on the evolution very small flying insects to improve artificial intelligence (AI) computing with reduced training times, improved computational efficiency, and low power consumption. Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., issued a solicitation Friday (DARPA-PA-18-02-03) for the for the Microscale

Engineers Program Tiny Robots to Move, Think Like Insects

While engineers have had success building tiny, insect-like robots, programming them to behave autonomously like real insects continues to present technical challenges. A group of Cornell engineers has been experimenting with a new type of programming that mimics the way an insect’s brain works, which could soon have people wondering if that fly on the