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Playing Nice? FireEye CEO Says U.S. Malware is More Restrained than Adversaries”

Malware used by the United States in offensive cyber-operations plays “nice” when compared to other nation-state malware, according to FireEye CEO Kevin Mandia. Speaking at the Cyber Threat Intelligence Forum produced by Scoop News Group on Thursday, Mandia said when FireEye analyzes malware from state-backed hackers, the company usually finds elements of public policy baked

What a Cyberwar Looks Like — and What It Doesn”t

President and Chief Legal Officer Brad Smith of Microsoft in April told the RSA cybersecurity conference about attacks that don”t involve tanks and warplanes, but bytes and bots. And they are aimed at our energy grids, our infrastructure, and even our private financial information. We”ve increasingly seen reports of cyber incursions, attributed to nation-states, into