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Army Takes on Wicked Problems With the Internet of Battlefield Things

The Army’s work on the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is more than just a way to carve out a catchy name for the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, wearable devices, cameras and embedded devices that take the field with military forces. It also underscores the most important element of having those connected devices–the data collection

Researchers “Iron out” Graphene’s Wrinkles

New technique produces highly conductive graphene wafers. From an electron’s point of view, graphene must be a hair-raising thrill ride. For years, scientists have observed that electrons can blitz through graphene at velocities approaching the speed of light, far faster than they can travel through silicon and other semiconducting materials. Graphene, therefore, has been touted

Snake bit? UCI Chemists Develop Broad-Spectrum, Cheap Snake Venom Antidote

Chemists at the University of California, Irvine have developed a way to neutralize deadly snake venom more cheaply and effectively than with traditional anti-venom – an innovation that could spare millions of people the loss of life or limbs each year. In the U.S., human snakebite deaths are rare – about five a year –