Notable Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by DSIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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Additively Manufacturing Continuous Carbon Fiber With Polymer Materials

Is there a 3D printing platform that is able to additively manufacture continuous carbon fiber thermoplastics?

UH-1Y Cabin Area Measurements

What are the cabin area measurements of the UH-1Y?

State-of-Art Fiber Lasers to Support Ongoing Directed Energy (DE) Efforts

Who are the U.S. manufacturers of fiber-based high-power laser (HPL) systems?

Unattended Ground Sensor Survey

What unattended ground sensors are currently available?

Research on Efforts to Improve 40mm Low-Velocity Grenade Effectiveness

What information is available on low-velocity grenade munitions?

Identifying Applications of Autonomy Applicable to Naval Activities

What are some examples of applications of autonomy in the commercial sector that might be good candidates for implementation/deployment in naval enterprises?

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