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Sustainment & Logistics Planning Tools & Analysis
Posted on March 26, 2019 | Completed on March 26, 2019 | By: Travis J. Kneen
What sustainment and logistics planning and analysis tools are currently in use at the division or higher echelons?
DSIAC was tasked with searching for sustainment and logistics planning and analysis tools that are in use, with a focus on those utilized in joint efforts. DSIAC performed literature searches in open sources and the DTIC R&E Gateway for relevant tools and information. Subject matter experts and logistics planners were contacted for information on tools used in the various branches of the military and persons of contact for the models currently in use. A list of sustainment and logistics tools used by the Joint Task Force (JTF), Combatant Command (COCOM), and various military branches (Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force) was compiled and delivered to the inquirer, as well as additional, relevant information.
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