High-Power, Radio Frequency/Microwave, Directed Energy Weapons Models and Simulations

Source:  DARPA
Source: DARPA

Presented: June 21, 2023 12:00 pm
Presented by: John Tatum

This webinar presentation will provide a survey overview of the state of the art in modeling and simulation (M&S) tools related to researching and developing high-power, radio frequency/microwave, directed energy weapons (HPM DEWs) and evaluating their effectiveness.

The webinar training will cover the following topics:

  • What are HPM DEWs?
  • What are the types of M&S tools used for HPM DEWs?
  • HPM physics and engineering-level M&S
  • HPM coupling/stress M&S
  • HPM engagement M&S
  • Few-on-few M&S
  • Force-on-force M&S


CAC holders can view the CUI slides via DoDTechipedia here

This webinar presentation contains CUI and is therefore limited to government and contractors only.

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