The xTechSBIR Waveform Challenge

April 13, 2021 - April 13, 2021

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Source: U.S. Army
Source: U.S. Army

Hosted By: U.S. Army, xTechSearch

Location: Virtual

The U.S. Army is now accepting Concept White Paper submissions for its newest prize competition, the xTech Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Waveform Challenge, with the opportunity to earn prize money and the potential to submit for a Phase I SBIR or Direct to Phase II (D2PhII) SBIR award.

The xTechSBIR Waveform Challenge, sponsored by Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)) and in collaboration with the U.S. Army Program Executive Office Command Control Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T), is an xTech style hybrid competition with the potential to award a Phase I or D2PhII SBIR for the top winners of the competition. The xTechSBIR Waveform Challenge aims to incentivize small businesses to propose innovative, viable technology concepts to the Army to develop an open hardware architecture for software-defined radios (SDRs) that can facilitate the decoupling of hardware and software-based waveforms.

The challenge competition consists of three phases that participants can progress through, which include the following:

  • Part 1:  Concept White Paper – up to 10 participants selected to receive a prize award of $10,000 each and an invitation to Part 2.
  • Part 2:  Technology Pitches – up to five winners selected to receive a prize award of $50,000 each and an invitation to submit an Army SBIR Phase I or D2PhII proposal to the xTechSBIR Waveform solicitation.
  • Part 3:  SBIR Phase I or D2PhII Proposal – winners selected to submit SBIR proposals will be notified if they are to submit a Phase I proposal for up to $250K each or D2PhII proposal for up to $1.7M each and will receive detailed instructions upon selection.

Concept White Paper submissions must be received by 8:00 a.m. EST on April 13, 2021. If you are interested in participating in the xTechSBIR Waveform Challenge competition, please visit the Army xTech website at for further details.

Please see the PDF with all the details on the competition; please forward the flyer to any colleagues that may be interested in applying.


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