2022 Combined Light Armor Survivability Panel (CLASP)

June 22, 2022 - June 23, 2022

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Source: DVIDS

INTRODUCTION:  The 51st CLASP meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. (with registration from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.) on June 22, 2022, and continue until 2:00 p.m. (tentatively) on June 23. The host will be the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), 7651 Montpelier Road, Laurel, MD 20723.

Actual location will be Building MP6, Conference room MP6-N111, and the host/point of contact is Ms. Renee Joseph, JHU APL (renee.joseph@jhuapl.edu; 240-393-9719) and/or Mr. Adam Maisano, JHU APL (adam.maisano@jhuapl.edu). Registration will be completed through this DSIAC website. This meeting will be at the classified (Secret) level on both days and is open to government, industry, and academia with the appropriate clearance.  Site visit requests/SMO code authentication information will be provided on the website.

BACKGROUND:  CLASP began in the mid-80s, originally assembled to coordinate light armor activities between the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. During the past ~38 years, CLASP has provided a venue for working-level discussions and expanded to sharing information between government services, industry, and academia in virtually all areas of survivability. Although the name CLASP highlights light armor discussions due to its origin, it is much more today.

CLASP is a “working-level” meeting for engineers and technical personnel from science and technology development, system integration, and program management to exchange information. This creates an ideal opportunity for technology developers to get direct feedback from platform systems engineers. As such, most of the discussions will be technical. This also provides an opportunity for leading industry and academic research teams to meet with their government counterparts and discuss current programs and issues of interest to the survivability community.

MEETING FORMAT:  All presentations should be planned for approximately 20 min, with an additional 10 min allotted for questions and answers.

INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BRIEF the technical aspects of an ongoing survivability effort funded by a government agency.  This is required for three reasons:

  1. To ensure that all participants are contributing to the meeting.
  2. To keep the gathering to a reasonable size.
  3. To eliminate marketing briefs.

Industry participants – be advised that if there are fellow industry participants in the audience who you would rather not have in the room during your presentation, you may request that they leave for the duration of your presentation.  You, the presenter, are solely responsible for any need-to-know restrictions and authorizations required for your presentation.


Step 1 - This applies to all briefers (government, industry, and academia).  Please submit an unclassified title and brief abstract to Chairman Ken Branham at kenneth.branham@us.af.mil.  Include your organization and state whether the presentation will be classified.  If it is classified, specify what security classification guide is being used.  Cut-off date for all title/abstract submittals (ALL ABSTRACTS NEED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED) is June 3, 2022.

Step 2 - You will be notified whether your abstract was or was not accepted within 1 week of receipt.

Step 3 - If you are industry or academia and your abstract was accepted, two representatives may register - proceed to register at this website. If you are government and your abstract was not accepted, you may still register at the website and attend.

Registrants will undergo an approval process, including clearance validation, to determine attendance. Light refreshments will be provided, and attendees will be asked to provide a nominal donation of approximately $10 per meeting day (actual total may vary and will be determined after purchases for coffee/refreshments are completed).

Step 4 – If you are presenting, presentations need to be received by myself or JHU APL, depending on classification, no later than June 15.

  • For unclassified briefs: Email Ken Branham (kenneth.branham@us.af.mil).  Confirm delivery via phone (770-314-0219) or NIPR email.  You may also bring a disk the morning of the meeting, but there are no guarantees of video compatibility.
  • For classified briefs: Via SIPR, email Adam Maisano (Adam.Maisano@jhuapl.ctr.navsea.navy.smil.mil) and/or Ryan Johnston (Ryan.Johnston@jhuapl.ctr.navsea.navy.smil.mil).
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