22nd Annual Science & Engineering Technology (S&ET) Conference

April 26, 2022 - April 28, 2022

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Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division

Hosted By: NDIA

Location: Miami, FL

This year’s annual S&ET conference is being held in conjunction with SOUTHCOM and AFRICOM. It will feature a discussion with government and industry on the 26th and 27th, followed by a classified session on the 28th.

Attendance in 2019 was comprised of 45% industry, 45% government, 8% academia, and 2% small business.

Some speakers will include:

  • VADM Ronald Boxall, USN
    Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, J8
  • John Miller, SES
    Director, Plans and Programs, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)/XP
  • Lt Gen Andrew Croft, USAF
    Military Deputy Commander, U.S. Southern Command
  • Dr. Vic Ramdass
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Materiel Readiness, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Sustainment
  • Dr. Michael Pollock
    Head, Information, Cyber and Spectrum Superiority Department
  • Al Grein
    Executive Director, Research & Technology Integration, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

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