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South Korea to Acquire More Anti-Missile Radars, Aegis Destroyers to Counter North Korea

South Korea has unveiled plans to acquire two more ground-based, anti-missile, early-warning radars and three Aegis-equipped destroyers as a part of its five-year defense blueprint for 2020-2024. The announcement comes amid heightened tensions, with North Korea test firing a series of new missiles in the past week. According to the defense ministry, the new acquisitions,

Military Eyes Prototype Megawatt-Class Laser Weapon for Missile Defense

FORT BELVOIR, VA. – U.S. missile-defense researchers will brief industry later this month on a project to build a prototype megawatt-class laser weapon within the next 7 years that can destroy incoming ballistic missiles, potentially in all phases of flight. The Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Laser Scaling project of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency

DoD Official Describes Missile Defense Strategy

James H. Anderson, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for strategy, plans, and capabilities, spoke about the 2019 Missile Defense Review at the Brookings Institution in Washington, Jan. 29. He noted that the strategy covers the Defense Department’s three lines of effort: lethality, partnership and reform. Here are his main points: 1. The Threat China and