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Silk Fibers Could Be High-Tech ‘Natural Metamaterials’

New research has demonstrated how the nano-architecture of a silkworm’s fiber causes “Anderson localization of light,” a discovery that could lead to various innovations and a better understanding of light transport and heat transfer. The discovery also could help create synthetic materials and structures that realize the phenomenon, named after Nobel laureate Philip Anderson, whose

Many More Bacteria Have Electrically Conducting Filaments

Microbiologists led by Derek Lovley at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who is internationally known for having discovered electrically conducting microfilaments or “nanowires” in the bacterium Geobacter, announce in a new paper this month that they have discovered the unexpected structures in many other species, greatly broadening the research field on electrically conducting filaments. Details

UT Researchers Develop ”E-Tattoo” Health Devices

It’s not often that tattoos are thought of as being as functional as they are decorative, but a group of researchers at UT-Austin are about to change that. They are developing “e-tattoos” which can be applied to the skin to measure a variety of different things, from electrical to biochemical signals, said Nanshu Lu, an