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Don’t Dumb Down U.S. Army Next Gen Radar

Abandoning 360-degree coverage would make air defenses more vulnerable and undermine their mission. Press reports and statements from U.S. Army leadership suggest that omnidirectional capability for the Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor, or LTAMDS, may be slipping away as the threshold requirement it deserves to be. Air defenders and joint forces under their

New Russian Defense Systems Debut During Victory Day Parade

On display were some of Russia”s most advanced defense systems including Su-30SM, Su-57, MiG-29SMT, and MiG-31K aircraft; Mil Mi-28N attack helicopters; the Korsar strike drone; Kinzhal hypersonic missiles; the BMPT Terminator armored fighting vehicle, an S-400 Triumf long-range anti-aircraft system; and an Arctic variant of the Tor-M2DT anti-aircraft missile system. With Moscow–Washington tensions approaching a