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Energy Department Details Gaps in Capability to Mitigate Effects of Cyber Attacks on U.S. Electric Grid

US Department of Energy (DOE) releases report that assesses the risk of cyber threats to the U.S. power grid. DOE said Wednesday the report “Assessment of Electricity Disruption Incident Response Capabilities” was prepared in accordance with President Donald Trump’s executive order that aims to build up the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and federal networks. The

Army Takes on Wicked Problems With the Internet of Battlefield Things

The Army’s work on the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is more than just a way to carve out a catchy name for the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, wearable devices, cameras and embedded devices that take the field with military forces. It also underscores the most important element of having those connected devices–the data collection

Enhancing the Army’s Network to “Fight Tonight”

In recent years, the Army’s information technology modernization has been outpaced by rapid change in the commercial world. U.S. adversaries leverage commercial off-the-shelf technologies, which allow them to gain an advantage over Army mission command systems at a fraction of what it costs the Army to build them. As a result, the service branch recently