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“Finding The Needle In The Haystack”: Gain New Methods For Effectively Sorting Through Large Amounts Of Video Data

Download IARPA Briefing by Dr. Terry Adams, Program Manager Intelligence Advanced Research, Projects Activity (IARPA). “Finding the Needle in the Haystack: New Methods for Effectively Sorting Through Large Amounts of Video Data” IARPA Engagement IARPA Analytics Programs (Finder [geolocation], Aladdin Video [social media video event retrieval], DIVA [multi-camera streaming environment event detection], Janus [unconstrained face

Bringing Drones into a Smart City Network

San Diego is in the midst of a tech convergence. It is working to build what it calls the nation’s largest smart city network, and it also was selected for the U.S. Department of Transportation”s UAS Integration Pilot Program. The city plans to bring these two efforts together, coordinating unmanned aerial systems with the smart

New Soft Electronic Textiles Could Offer Advanced Protection for Soldiers and Emergency Personnel

New technology that harnesses electronic signals in a smart fabric could lead to advanced hazardous-material gear that protects against toxic chemicals, according to research from Dartmouth College. In the research, the chemistry team of Katherine Mirica and Merry Smith describe the creation of new smart fabrics — named SOFT, for Self-Organized Framework on Textiles —