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Top 18 Free Training Resources for AI and Machine Learning Skills

From books to training courses to datasets to toolkits, here are some great, no-cost resources that will help you transform your current programming skills to meet the AI and machine learning needs of the future. Developers looking to learn more about artificial intelligence and machine learning have thousands of resources to choose from. There are

IBM AI Learns the Art of Debate

How informed is your point-of-view? IBM is augmenting human-decision making through Project Debater research and advances in the ability of artificial intelligent (AI) systems to master natural language, comprehend complex arguments, and model human dilemmas. Today, an artificial intelligence (AI) system engaged in the first ever live, public debates with humans. At an event held

Intel”s New AI Group a Challenge to IBM and NVIDIA

Intel announced late last week that it has formed a new AI group to consolidate a number of its programs and acquisitions. It’s headed by Naveen Rao, the former head of Intel acquisition Nervana. This means Intel is making sure is has a major seat at the table as artificial intelligence and machine learning branch