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Controlling Complex Pattern of Superconductivity Within an Exotic Metal

​Superconductivity has fascinated scientists for many years since it offers the potential to revolutionize current technologies. Materials only become superconductors — meaning that electrons can travel in them with no resistance — at very low temperatures. These days, this unique zero resistance superconductivity is commonly found in a number of technologies, such as magnetic resonance

Pentagon Aims to Loft Particle Beam Anti-Missile Weapon Into Space in Four Years

After three decades, the Pentagon is betting big on their belief that a dream of the Star Wars initiative may now be closer to a practical concept. The Missile Defense Agency has offered new details about plans to develop a science fiction-sounding space-based neutral particle beam weapon to disable or destroy incoming ballistic missiles. The

Los Alamos Deploys Drone Mitigation Tech

Los Alamos National Laboratory has set up a system to spot and, if needed, bring down drones that fly into its air space, which is off limits to hobbyist drone flights. The counter-unmanned aerial system was developed along with the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration to protect a no-drone zone around