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Marines to Get New Lightweight Polymer Ammo for “Ma Deuce” Machine Gun

The Marine Corps has inked a $10 million contract with ammunition-maker MAC LLC for new lightweight polymer machine gun ammunition, a major step forward in an effort to lighten Marines” battlefield load. The contract was awarded to the Mississippi-based company Thursday, Marine Corps Systems Command officials said in a news release. According to the announcement,

Three-Dimensional (3D)-Printed Suppressors Designed to Work on Machine Guns

GOODSPRINGS, Nevada — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) militaries are testing a new line of suppressors using a superalloy and a patented 3D-printed design that works on automatic weapons. The most challenging task for a suppressor is to work on machine guns, said David Strong, vice president for business development at Delta P Design

U.S. Army Getting New Machine Gun Round, Special Ops Getting New Sniper Bullet

The new sniper bullet offers greater range than existing rounds, while the new machine gun round will be the foundation of a new, better weapon. U.S. Army and special forces units are set to introduce two new small arms rounds in the near future meant to improve the effectiveness of troops in the field. Special