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Navy Strategy Fast-Tracks New Weapons for “Offensive” Attack

Arlington, Va.- Senior Navy leaders say the service is fast-tracking a handful of key emerging weapons systems such as new destroyers, Tomahawk missiles, lasers and hypersonics as part of a new “offensive attack” maritime combat strategy. “Today we are moving to the offensive. We are already moving out on an increase in lethality,” Vice. Adm.

Air Force Considers Gaming-Developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning for Battle Management

ROME, NY – U.S. Air Force researchers are asking for industry”s help in developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to planning systems that help commanders adapt quickly to changing conditions on the battlefield. Officials of the Air Force Research Laboratory”s Rome Research Site in Rome, NY, issued a broad agency announcement (FA875020S7007) on Thursday

Russia, China Alliance on Navigation Satellites Threatens GPS

Russia and China have been increasingly moving toward greater synergies between their respective satellite navigation systems since at least 2015. The stated goals of the two powers have been ensuring compatibility and interoperability of GLONASS and BeiDou navigation systems; augmentations, including mutual allocation of measuring stations within the territories of Russia and China; global navigation