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Why Nuclear is an Emerging Technology for the Space Economy

Nuclear energy has played a key supporting role in historic missions to Mars, Pluto, and across the Solar System for the last 50 years. On January 1 2019, the nuclear-powered New Horizons flew by the most distant object ever observed up close – Ultima Thule, after it having already flown by Pluto in 2015. Nuclear

China”s New Underwater Drones

Qianlong III, a Chinese autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), has dived deep into the South China Sea, undertaking a nearly 100-mile, 42-hour voyage. It looks like a clownfish from Finding Nemo, though the cute look belie serious capability. It has a forward propeller in the “eyes” and the “mouth” is a navigation sonar. Its vertical tail

NuScale Power’s Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Becomes First Ever to Complete NRC’s Phase 1 Review

Moving the U.S. closer to energy independence – a milestone in bringing America’s first Small Modular Reactor (SMR) to market. NuScale Power, LLC is developing a new modular light water reactor nuclear power plant. This groundbreaking technology features a fully factory fabricated NuScale Power Module™ capable of generating 50MW of power using a safer, smaller,