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The Air Force Wants to Unleash a Robotic “Golden Horde” on Adversaries

Golden Horde is designed to incorporate to the Air Force’s three most urgent technologies: precision-guided weapons, artificial intelligence, and communications networking. Precision-guided weapons, united by secure communications links and endowed with artificial intelligence, would be launched en masse at the enemy, with missiles aimed at preplanned targets. If a target is assigned three incoming missiles

Bad Weather ”Stormbreaker” Bomb Enters Testing

The all-weather precision guided bomb could enter service next year. The U.S. military’s new “Stormbreaker” guided bomb has entered operational testing and could be ready for service as early as next year. The new bomb will allow combat jets to strike moving targets on the ground using sensors capable of seeing through bad weather. In

Army Developing Safer, Extended Range Rocket-assisted Artillery Round

The Army is developing a new 155 mm artillery round that will extend cannon range to more than 24 miles (40km), with the added benefits of greater safety for service members and the ability to deliver near-precision strike capability. The XM1113 Insensitive Munition High Explosive Rocket Assisted Projectile, or XM1113 RAP, will replace the aging