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Army RFI – Prototype Unmanned Robotic Teleop Combat Vehicle with Automatic Cannon

Army to operate Robotic Combat Vehicle-Medium by teleoperation, autonomous waypoint navigation, or leader-follower, with government-furnished software. U.S. Army unmanned combat vehicle experts are considering an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with onboard 20-to-50-millimeter automatic cannon that can fight alongside infantry and destroy enemy armored personnel carriers, trucks, and troops. Officials of the Ground Vehicle Systems Center

Remote Combat Vehicles to Punch as Hard as Abrams Tanks

Within five years, the Army would like to start testing remote combat vehicle prototypes, known as RCVs, which are unmanned, as light and as fast as a Stryker, but provide the same level of firepower as an M-1 Abrams tank, said Maj. Alan L. Stephens. Stephens, an Acquisition Corps officer at the Mounted Requirements Division