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U.S. Air Force Successfully Shoots Multiple Air-Launched Missiles in Laser Weapon Test

The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) has announced successfully completing a major program milestone April 23, 2019 with the successful surrogate laser weapon system shoot-down of multiple air-launched missiles in flight. According to the recent statement by AFRL, the Self-Protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) Program downed the missiles using

U.S. Air Force Successfully Tests Anti-Missile Laser Defence System

The U.S. Air Force has successfully tested a laser weapon system capable of shooting multiple missiles while they are in flight. The ground-based laser weapon system, a prototype for a weapon which is intended to be mounted on fighter jets, was successfully tested at the High Energy Laser System Test Facility at the White Sands

Laser Weapons Show Their Stuff in Real-World Conditions

From surface warships, jet fighter aircraft, military tactical vehicles, to even unmanned systems, laser weapons are demonstrating with increasing frequency that they are ready for the battlefield. The 21st Century already has seen more “science fiction” become everyday fact than at any other time in history, from smart phones that make Star Trek’s communicators appear