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HEL on High Water: The Top Navy Laser Weapon Systems

The concept of using high-energy and directed lasers for naval military applications is gathering pace among the world’s superpowers. What navy laser weapon systems are currently in development, what are the benefits, and when are they likely to become operational? Across the world, armed forces have been developing navy laser weapon systems to use in

Pentagon Requesting $66M For Laser Drones to Shoot Down North Korean Missiles

The Missile Defense Agency is rushing to put more solutions in the field and trying to put past failures behind them. One of the smaller line items in the Missile Defense Agency’s $9.9 billion budget request for 2019 is also one of the most interesting: $66 million to keep developing a laser that can be

Fiber Lasers Mean Ray Guns Are Coming

The U.S. Navy’s most advanced laser weapon looks like a pricey amateur telescope. As it emerges from a chassis high on the USS Ponce to look out onto the daytime sky above the Persian Gulf, its operator sits in a darkened room elsewhere on the ship holding what looks like a game controller. The screen