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SOCOM Ramps Up Efforts to Develop “Cutting-Edge Data Techniques,” Opens New Data Engineering Lab

U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is ramping up its efforts to develop “cutting-edge data techniques” like artificial intelligence (AI) to boost readiness and minimize costs. As part of that initiative, the Command unveiled its new Data Engineering Lab located at the SOFWERX facility in Tampa, FL, on Wednesday. SOFWERX was established under a partnership intermediary

SOCOM Wants a New Armor-Piercing Sniper Bullet. Here’s One Option Engineers Are Developing

As the U.S. military shifts its focus back to fighting more traditional, near-peer adversaries like Russian or Chinese troops, the Services are building out plans to revamp their gear to deal with better-equipped forces backed by money and technology from world powers. That extends all the way down to the clothing and equipment each of

The Navy Can Now 3-D Print Submarines on the Fly for SEALs

It usually takes the Navy around 5 months to build even the smallest submarines to ferry Navy SEALs into and out of combat zones — but thanks to new technology, the Navy”s most elite warfighters could slap together a submersible hull in just a few weeks. That’s the promise behind the Optionally Manned Technology Demonstrator