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Is Nuclear Power Zero-Emission? No, but It Isn’t High-Emission Either

“Even though we have not broken ground on a new nuclear plant in nearly 30 years, nuclear energy remains our largest source of fuel that produces no carbon emissions.” … “We’ll have to build a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in America,” … “To meet our growing energy needs and prevent the

Argonne’s Chain Reaction Innovations –Overcoming the World’s Energy and Science Challenges

The Defining Challenge of Our Generation is Sustainable Energy and Manufacturing. Our mission is to identify innovators with ideas for energy- and science-based technologies that can have a significant impact on the lives of billions of people. We will provide these innovators with the laboratory tools, seed capital, and collaborators needed to grow their early-stage

Argonne Releases GREET 2016 Fuel- and Vehicle-Cycle Models

The Argonne National Laboratory’s Systems Assessment Group announced 2016 release of the suite of GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation Model) models and associated documentation. GREET is a full life-cycle model that allows researchers and analysts to evaluate various vehicle and fuel combinations on a full fuel-cycle/vehicle-cycle basis. GREET 2016 provides