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Jet Fuel from Sugarcane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent – but aviation is one of the world”s fastest-growing greenhouse gas sources. Demand for air travel is projected to double in the next

University of Florida, U.S. Army Develop Model for Lighter Armor

The US Army Research Laboratory is working on developing new light-weight ceramic materials that resist fracture, and has teamed with researchers from the University of Florida to better understand exactly how these materials, which are suited for Soldier personal protection and Army systems, fracture, and how they can be further improved. They are focusing on

University of Florida Held the World’s First Brain-Controlled Drone Race

Drone races are nothing new. But while they started as an ad-hoc activity within the drone community, the sport has now taken on a life of its own with highly elaborate events and a partnership with ESPN.Similarly, brain-computer interface (BCI) technology isn’t totally new. And while the technology is still young, advances are being made