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Army Looks Into Laser-Powered Drones

Even as drone technology advances, power constraints limit the amount of equipment unmanned systems can carry, as well as the time they can stay in the air. Some drone systems, like the Persistent Aerial Reconnaissance and Communications drone from CyPhy Works, deliver power through a tether to keep a small drone aloft for an entire

The Army Wants Its Brigades To Be Able To Fight For An Entire Week Without Resupply

Concerns are growing throughout the U.S. military about the potential difficulties in rapidly deploying large amounts of personnel and equipment into a theater of operations under fire during a major conflict and whether there will be any bases of operation to support them once they get there. Now, the U.S. Army says it is looking

DARPA Taps Silent Falcon to Develop Midair, Laser-Based Drone Charging

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) arguably develops some of the most technologically advanced systems known to man, and its latest endeavor certainly continues that tradition. While the agency’s Stand-off Ubiquitous Power/Energy Replenishment – Power Beaming Demo (SUPER PBD) program definitely has a lengthy title, it actually has the very essence of protraction at