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Lightweight Unmanned Ground Systems (UGS) Maneuvering in Difficult Terrain
Posted on March 18, 2019 | Completed on March 31, 2019 | By: Daniel Whipp
What robots weighing less than 15 lb can be used for entering difficult terrain and buildings?
The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) was asked to provide a list of unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) that can maneuver in difficult terrain and enter buildings. The UGVs of interest were required to weigh less than 15 lb. The inquirer also specified that the UGVs must be able to carry a payload of sensors and other equipment and use a variety of locomotion methods. DSIAC staff investigated unclassified data using the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International database and identified 63 applicable systems. Information on each system (including platforms names, locomotion methods, market categories, applications, primary organizations, countries, points of contact, and websites) was consolidated into data tables for further use.
1.0 Introduction
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) staff searched the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) database for platforms relevant to the inquirer’s request. The results of the search are consolidated in Table 1, which provides a list of UGV platform names, the primary organization for UGV production, the country of origin, and additional information such as the method of locomotion, market category, and application. UGVs were included in Table 1 if they had a total weight under 15 lb and were intended for mobility on rough terrain and entering buildings or other structures.
Table 1: Additional Information on UGV Platforms
Platform Name | Locomotion | Market Category | Application | Primary Organization | Country |
110 FirstLook [1] | Tracked | Civil; military | Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN); disaster response; exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); observation, patrol, security; search and rescue (SAR); target acquisition. | Endeavor Robotics | United States |
ACM-R4H [2] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; pipeline services. | HiBot Corp. | Japan |
ALTINAY UGV [3] | Tracked | Civil; commercial; military | Explosive ordnance disposal; firefighting; inspection; ISR; logistics; patrol, security. | ALTINAY Aerospace & Advanced Technologies | Turkey |
ANATROLLER ARI-10 [4] | Wheeled | Commercial | Cleaning; inspection; maintenance. | Robotics Design, Inc. | Canada |
ANATROLLER ARI-50 [5] | Tracked | Commercial | Cleaning; inspection; maintenance; pipeline services. | Robotics Design, Inc. | Canada |
ARTHRON POD 050 A [6] | Tracked | Civil; commercial | Imaging; inspection; pipeline services. | M-Tecks ROBOTICS | France |
ARTHRON POD 125 A [6] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; imaging; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | M-Tecks ROBOTICS | France |
Aspire-CAM [7] | Wheeled | Consumer; commercial | Hobby; imaging. | Thunder Tiger Corporation | Taiwan |
BILL-ANT [8] | Legged | Academic | Education; prototype; research. | Case Western Reserve University | United States |
Delta Extreme [9] | Tracked | Civil; commercial; military | CBRN; disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; pipeline services; SAR; target acquisition. | Crystal Cam Imaging, Inc. | Canada |
Delta Micro [9] | Tracked | Civil; commercial; military | CBRN; disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; pipeline services; SAR; target acquisition. | Crystal Cam Imaging, Inc. | Canada |
DraganScout [10] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; ISR; observation; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Draganfly Innovations, Inc. | Canada |
Dragon Runner 10 [11] | Tracked | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | QinetiQ North America | United States |
Enter, Survey, and Perceive (ESP) Toss Bot [12] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | SuperDroid Robots, Inc. | United States |
EyeDrive [13] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR. | Mistral Security, Inc. | United States |
Ghost Minitaur [14] | Legged | Civil; commercial; military; academic | Disaster response; education; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research; SAR; training. | Ghost Robotics | United States |
Highly Adaptive Robotic Vehicle (HARV) [15] | Rolling | Civil; commercial; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; prototype. | GuardBot, Inc. | United States |
Inbot [16] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; pipeline services; SAR; target acquisition. | ECA | France |
Inspector Robot III [17] | Wheeled | Commercial | Cleaning; inspection; maintenance. | Indoor Environmental Solutions, Inc. | United States |
Iris [18] | Tracked | Civil; commercial | Inspection; prototype; research. | Future Robotics Technology Center | Japan |
Individual Robotic Intelligence System (IRIS) [19] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Roboteam, INC. | United States |
Koala [20] | Wheeled | Commercial; academic | Research | AAI Canada, Inc. | Canada |
Mini-CALIBER [21] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; target acquisition. | ICOR Technology | Canada |
MINIBOT [22] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial | Cable services; CBRN; disaster response; imaging; inspection; ISR; patrol, security. | Inspectorbots | United States |
MINI-UGV [23] | Tracked | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau | Jordan |
MLT-F Jack Russell [24] | Tracked | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | SuperDroid Robots, Inc. | United States |
MLT-PT Jack Russell [24] | Tracked | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | SuperDroid Robots, Inc. | United States |
MQ10 [25] | Tracked | Civil; commercial; military; academic | Disaster response; exploration; ISR; pipeline services; research; SAR. | Mechatroniq Systems, Inc. | Canada |
MQ50 [25] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military | Environmental research or monitoring; inspection; ISR; patrol, security. | Mechatroniq Systems, Inc. | Canada |
MQ75 [25] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military; academic | disaster response; environmental research or monitoring; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research; SAR; target acquisition. | Mechatroniq Systems, Inc. | Canada |
NanoMag [26] | Tracked | Civil; commercial | Inspection; pipeline services. | Inuktun | Canada |
NERVA-LG [27] | Wheeled | Civil; military | CBRN; exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Nexter Robotics | France |
NERVA-S [27] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Nexter Robotics | France |
OCT-1C [28] | Legged | Academic | Education; prototype; research. | AAI Canada, Inc. | Canada |
R1 [29] | Wheeled | Commercial; academic | Education; research. | Aion Robotics | United States |
R6 [29] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; academic | Disaster response; education; imaging; inspection; patrol, security; precision agriculture; research; SAR; survey, mapping. | Aion Robotics | United States |
Recon Scout Infrared (IR) [30] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | ReconRobotics, Inc. | United States |
Recon Scout Rescue [31] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | ReconRobotics, Inc. | United States |
Recon Scout Throwbot LE [32] | Wheeled | Civil | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition | ReconRobotics, Inc. | United States |
Recon Scout Throwbot XT [33] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Communications; disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | ReconRobotics, Inc. | United States |
Recon Scout Under Vehicle Inspection (UVI) Robot [34] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Inspection | ReconRobotics, Inc. | United States |
RiSE [35] | Legged | Academic | Prototype; research. | Boston Dynamics, Inc. | United States |
ROMP [36] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military; academic | Attack, weapons delivery; CBRN; disaster response; environmental research or monitoring; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research; SAR; target acquisition. | Inspectorbots | United States |
Rover 5 Robot Platform [37] | Tracked | Consumer; commercial; academic | Education; hobby; research. | Australian Robotics Pty Ltd. | Australia |
RP5 Tank-Tread Robot Platform [37] | Tracked | Consumer; commercial; academic | Education; hobby; research. | Australian Robotics Pty Ltd. | Australia |
SandFlea [35] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; prototype; research; SAR; target acquisition. | Boston Dynamics, Inc. | United States |
SCORP [38] | Tracked | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; ISR; pipeline services; research; SAR. | Novatiq | Switzerland |
SCORPIO [39] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military; academic | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research; SAR; target acquisition. | TECDRON | France |
Scorpio [40] | Tracked | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; ISR; target acquisition. | Kerametal, s.r.o | Slovakia |
SECT II [41] | Wheeled | Commercial; academic | Education; exploration; research. | AAI Canada, Inc. | Canada |
Shrimp III [42] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial | Disaster response; exploration; firefighting; prototype; research; SAR. | BlueBotics | Switzerland |
SIRE [43] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; logistics; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Tactical Electronics – Aviation | United States |
Spider Mite [44] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial | Cable services; CBRN; disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security. | Inspectorbots | United States |
Sprawl Tuned Autonomous Robot (STAR) [45] | Wheeled | Academic | Prototype; research. | University of California, Berkley – Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Biomimetic Millisystems Lab | United States |
Stingray Novel Unmanned Ground Vehicle (NUGV) [46] | Tracked | Civil; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Macro USA | United States |
Tactical Throwable Robot (TRM) [47] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition | Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiarów | Poland |
TAS [25] | Wheeled | Civil; academic | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research. | Mechatroniq Systems, Inc. | Canada |
Testudo [48] | Wheeled | Commercial; academic | Exploration; explosive ordnance disposal; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research; target acquisition. | Mindsheet Ltd. | United Kingdom |
TOUGHBOT [49] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; SAR; target acquisition. | Omnitech Robotics, Inc. | United States |
Trackbot [50] | Tracked | Civil; commercial; military; academic | Cable services; chemical, CBRN; disaster response; education; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; research. | Inspectorbots | United States |
TRP3 – NEC [51] | Wheeled | Civil; military | Disaster response; exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; target acquisition. | Oto Melara SPA | Italy |
UM4 [52] | Wheeled | Civil; commercial; military | Exploration; inspection; ISR; patrol, security; target acquisition. | SuperDroid Robots, Inc. | United States |
WallRover A [53] | Tracked | Civil; commercial | Inspection; survey, mapping. | WALLROVER Ltd. | United Kingdom |
[1] Endeavor Robotics. “FirstLook®.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[2] HiBot., accessed 13 March 2019.
[3] ALTINAY. “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UGV).” solutions/unmanned-systems/unmanned-ground-vehicle/, accessed 13 March 2019.
[4] Robotics Design. “ANATROLLER™ ARI-10.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[5] Robotics Design. “ANATROLLER™ ARI-50.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[6] M-Tecks ROBOTICS., accessed 13 March 2019.
[7] Thunder Tiger., accessed 13 March 2019.
[8] Case Western Reserve University. “BILL-ANT.” Biologically Inspired Robotics,, accessed 13 March 2019.
[9] Crystal Cam Imaging Inc. “Products.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[10] Draganfly Innovations Inc., accessed 13 March 2019.
[11] QinetiQ North America. “Dragon Runner®.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[12] SuperDroid Robots, Inc. “ESP ‘Toss Bot’ Surveillance & Inspection Robot.” (Enter, Survey, and Perceive) ESP Data Sheet,, 6 February 2009.
[13] Mistral Security, Inc. “EyeDrive™.” Tactical-Equipment/EyeDrive, accessed 13 March 2019.
[14] Ghost Robotics Corp. “Ghost Q-UGVs are Superior to Wheels and Tracks on Unstructured Terrain.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[15] Guardbot, Inc., accessed 13 March 2019.
[16] ECA. “Inbot.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[17] Indoor Environmental Solutions, Inc. “Robotic Equipment.” re.asp, accessed 13 March 2019.
[18] Future Robotics Technology Center. “Iris.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[19] Roboteam. “IRIS® – Your Eyes and Ears on the Ground – and Under It.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[20] AAI Canada, Inc. “Koala: High Precision Mobile Platform.” koala.html, accessed 13 March 2019.
[21] ICOR Technology. “Advancing Security with Extreme Precision.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[22] Rogers, C. “The MINIBOT.” Inspectorbots,, accessed 13 March 2019.
[23] King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau., accessed 13 March 2019.
[24] SuperDroid Robots, Inc. “MLT “Jack Russell” – Compact Surveillance Robot.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[25] Mechatroniq Systems, Inc., accessed 13 March 2019.
[26] Inuktun Services Ltd. “NanoMag™.” crawler/, accessed 13 March 2019.
[27] Nexter Robotics. “Présentation.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[28] AAI Canada, Inc. “OCT-1C: A Dependable Biorobot/animat Platform for a Wide Range of Scientific Researches and Experiments.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[29] Aion Robotics. “R1 UGV.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[30] ReconRobotics, Inc. “Recon Scout® IR.” scout_IR.cfm, accessed 13 March 2019.
[31] ReconRobotics, Inc. “Recon Scout® Rescue.” recon_scout_rescue.cfm, accessed 13 March 2019.
[32] ReconRobotics, Inc. “Recon Scout® Throwbot LE.” products/recon-scout_throwbot_LE.cfm, accessed 13 March 2019.
[33] ReconRobotics, Inc. “Recon Scout® Throwbot XT.” products/Throwbot_XT_audio.cfm, accessed 13 March 2019.
[34] ReconRobotics, Inc. “Recon Scout® UVI Robot.” under_vehicle_inspection.cfm, accessed 13 March 2019.
[35] Boston Dynamics. “Robots.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[36] Inspectorbots. “ROMP.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[37] Australian Robotics Pty Ltd., accessed 13 March 2019.
[38] Novatiq., accessed 13 March 2019.
[39] TECDRON. “SCORPIO.”, accessed 13March 2019.
[40] Kerametal, s.r.o., accessed 13 March 2019.
[41] AAI Canada, Inc. “SECT II: Mobile Platform for Rough Terrain.” robots/sect2.html, accessed March 2019.
[42] BlueBotics. “Custom Solutions.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[43] Tactical Electronics. “SIRE.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[44] Rogers, C. “The Spider Mite.” Inspectorbots, Mite_.html, accessed 13 March 2019.
[45] Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Biomimetic Millisystems Lab, University of California, Berkley., accessed 13 March 2019.
[46] Macro USA., accessed 13 March 2019.
[47] Przemyslowy Instytut Automatyki I Pomiarów. “TRM®.” portfolio-posts/piap-trm/, accessed 13 March 2019.
[48] Mindsheet Ltd., accessed 13 March 2019.
[49] Omnitech Robotics, Inc. “TOUGHBOT.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[50] Rogers, C. “The Trackbot.” Inspectorbots,, accessed 13 March 2019.
[51] Oto Melara SPA. “TRP3-NEC.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[52] SuperDroid Robotics. “DEMO Prebuilt UM4 Compact Tactical Robot – SOLD.”, accessed 13 March 2019.
[53] WALLROVER Ltd., accessed 13 March 2019.
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