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Targeted Audio Messaging Technologies
Posted on September 16, 2019 | Completed on September 13, 2019 | By: Travis J. Kneen
What laser, ultrasonic, or similar technologies exist or are in development that can project an audio message to a targeted person or group without a receiver?
What laser, ultrasonic, or similar technologies exist or are in development that can project an audio message to a targeted person or group without a receiver? DSIAC was tasked with researching technologies and research and development projects that can project an audio message to a targeted person or group. Research focused on ultrasonic and laser technologies. To collect relevant information, DSIAC created an active technical inquiry announcement on the DSIAC webpage and a forum page on DTIC’s DoDTechSpace limited distribution website and searched open sources and the DTIC Research and Engineering Gateway repository. Technologies and projects from a variety of service and contractor agencies, national laboratories, and commercial industries were compiled and summarized into a report delivered to the inquirer, along with contact information. White papers and technical reports delivered to DSIAC as supplementary information were also forwarded to the inquirer.
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