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NASA Spacecraft to Test ”Green” Propellant Passes Major Preflight Milestone

Like all rocket engines, the small thrusters that a spacecraft or satellite fires to maintain or change positions need fuel. Currently, many use hydrazine — a toxic and corrosive fuel that requires special handling and equipment. NASA”s Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM) recently took another major step toward demonstrating the capabilities of a new propellant

Global Ionospheric Modeling Using Multi-GNSS: BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS and GPS

The emergence of China’s Beidou, Europe’s Galileo and Russia’s GLONASS satellites has multiplied the number of ionospheric piercing points (IPP) offered by GPS alone. This provides great opportunities for deriving precise global ionospheric maps (GIMs) with high resolution to improve positioning accuracy and ionospheric monitoring capabilities. In this paper, the GIM is developed based on

Army Research Lab Launches Center for Adaptive Soldier Technologies

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. (Nov. 30, 2016) — The Center for Adaptive Soldier Technologies, or CAST, with a technical focus on human-centric approaches to adapting technologies to Soldiers, launched its new website that is available to all interested researchers. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory announced the virtual center at its recent Open Campus Open House

RF Directed Energy Weapons for Explosive Hazard Neutralization

The “Improved Neutralization” activity under Manoeuvre through Adaptive Dispersed Operations​ (ManADO) Explosive Hazard Avoidance 02DA02.07 examines ways to enhance the Canadian Armed Forces Counter-IED system by addressing explosive hazard neutralization with a path towards exploitation (impact) while seeking to avoid duplication of efforts through systems available from our allies, or which are being addressed by

New Chinese Microwave Weapon Claimed to be Small Yet Powerful

For over 6 years, Huang Wenhua and his team at the Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology in Xi”an have been working on a potent microwave weapon. This one, which recently won China”s National Science and Technology Progress Award, is small enough to fit on a lab work bench, making it theoretically portable enough for land

Two-Stage Power Management System Boosts Energy-Harvesting Efficiency

A two-stage power management and storage system could dramatically improve the efficiency of triboelectric generators that harvest energy from irregular human motion such as walking, running or finger tapping. The system uses a small capacitor to capture alternating current generated by the biomechanical activity. When the first capacitor fills, a power management circuit then feeds

Revived Cold War Tech for Long Duration Flights Could Solve Earth”s Energy Crisis

Humanity is in a serious pinch for energy. The world population may balloon to 9 billion people by 2040, up from 7.36 billion in 2016, and researchers believe this will translate to a 48{f852dafd27cac84fdac768484a17b914ab8ab8a105c7cd3f00f3e5984b2da150} jump in energy consumption. Fossil fuels could slake the world”s thirst for energy, but burning more would exacerbate climate change and

Discovery Could Lead to Jet Engines that Run Hotter and Cleaner

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Researchers here have made a discovery in materials science that sounds like something from the old Saturday morning cartoon Super Friends: They’ve found a way to deactivate “nano twins” to improve the high-temperature properties of superalloys that are used in jet engines. The advance could speed the development of powerful and environmentally friendly turbine

New Tobyhanna Army Depot Mission: Software Sustainment

Tobyhanna Army Depot, the Department of Defense’s leading provider in C4ISR systems, is undertaking a new mission: software sustainment. One of the problems befalling the Army’s software sustainment community is maintaining information assurance vulnerability alert (IAVA) compliance. This involves disseminating a message through the force to identify a vulnerability in a piece of software, which

US Navy Uses Spike Miniature Missiles to Shoot Down UAVs

Weapons specialists at the US Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) at China Lake, CA. have recently tested the capability of guided missile to defeat an unmanned aerial vehicle in flight. The Spike miniature, lightweight precision guided missile was used for the test performed in December 2016 at China Lake. Two of the small

Modular Missile Test Program Successfully Fires Open System Architecture Missiles

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. — The U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering Center successfully launched three modular open systems architecture test missiles September 21, 2016 at the Redstone Test Center. AMRDEC designed and developed the test missiles under the Modular Missile Technologies Project. The test missiles were launched from a fixed stand and

Russia Touts Drone Swarms and Electromagnetic Cannon for Sixth-Gen Fighter

Russian’s sixth-generation fighter jet — still a decade away from reality — will operate in conjunction with drone swarms armed with electromagnetic cannons, an official said. Vladimir Mikheev, an adviser to the deputy head of Radioelectronic Technologies Concern — part of the Moscow-based state corporation Rostec — this week said the aircraft will be unveiled