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DroneBullet: the Kamikaze Drone Missile to Knock Out Enemy UAVs

According to a recent Goldman Sachs report, consumer spending on drones will likely total around $17 billion worldwide by 2020. That’s a whole lot of drones, with virtually no oversight to stop them from being misused. Recent incidents such as the one in which a drone brought one of the U.K.’s biggest airports to a

The New Face of American War Is a Robot

Here’s a question worth asking about America’s seemingly endless global conflicts: If you kill somebody and there’s no one there (on our side anyway), is the United States still at war? That may prove to be the truly salient question when it comes to the future of America’s war on terror, which is now almost

Army Researchers Improve Battery Safety With New Cathode Chemistry

May 10 (UPI) — Scientists with the U.S. Army have developed a new type of cathode chemistry that makes batteries safer and more efficient. Currently, Soldiers must regularly carry batteries weighing between 15 and 20 pounds. But thanks to a new type of cathode and electrolyte, soldiers could soon be carrying safer and more efficient

Shot Down? The USAF Now Wants to Air-Drop an Air Taxi to Fly You Out to Safety

In the midst of a future conflict, an American fighter jet is shot down while operating over hostile territory. The terrain is too complicated and risks are too great to send in a traditional combat search and rescue team. So U.S. commanders turn to a novel option: air-drop a small, ultra-quiet autonomous air vehicle with

U.S. Fighter Jets Could Soon Be Armed With Lasers

A laser weapon, called The Self-Protect High-Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD) passed a crucial test last month. Designed to defend U.S. Air Force aircraft from inbound air-to-air missiles, SHiELD torched several missiles in flight. Defensive lasers could revolutionize aerial warfare and lead to a second revolution with even more profound implications for air warfare—offensive lasers. Air-t0-air

DOD Recognizes Importance of Environment to Readiness

For more than half a century, the annual Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards have recognized the extraordinary efforts of service members and civilians across the Defense Department for protecting the environment, human health, and the nation”s natural and cultural resources. Environmental stewardship enables the DOD to enhance military readiness capabilities, strengthen alliances, and increase efficiencies

The Army”s New Machine Gun Can Really Do Some Serious Damage

A game changer or not? The U.S. Army has selected a new submachine gun for special security missions—and the winner of the procurement contest may surprise you. The Brügger & Thomet APC9K has been hailed the winner of the Sub Compact Weapon program, beating out well-seasoned military and police competitors such as the American Sig

AFRL Commander Introduces New AF Science, Technology Strategy

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFNS) — The Commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory presented highlights of the new Air Force Science and Technology Strategy for 2030 and beyond to members of the local media April 18 at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Speaking in front of several experimental aircraft on

The U.S. Air Force Has Revealed a New Program to Build Laser Weapons and Much More

Aggressive pursuit of hypersonics, lasers, networked cruise missiles, artificial intelligence, smart bombs, and cyberwar inform the conceptual and technical basis for the Air Force’s new “vanguard” programs, new Air Force strategic efforts to synthesize science and technology with prototyping and emerging weapons systems. (Washington, DC) Aggressive pursuit of hypersonics, lasers, networked cruise missiles, artificial intelligence,

New Hybrid Energy Method Could Fuel the Future of Rockets, Spacecraft for Exploration

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – Graphene, a new material with applications in biomedical technology, electronics, composites, energy, and sensors, may soon help send rockets to space. A new propellant formulation method to use graphene foams – material used in electronics, optics, and energy devices – to power spacecraft is being developed in Purdue University’s Maurice J.

Pentagon Aims to Loft Particle Beam Anti-Missile Weapon Into Space in Four Years

After three decades, the Pentagon is betting big on their belief that a dream of the Star Wars initiative may now be closer to a practical concept. The Missile Defense Agency has offered new details about plans to develop a science fiction-sounding space-based neutral particle beam weapon to disable or destroy incoming ballistic missiles. The

Historic Moment: U.S. Air Force F-35 Stealth Fighters Just Went Off to War

U.S. Air Force F-35 stealth fighters for the first time have deployed for combat. At least six F-35s from the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings on April 12, 2019 traveled from their home station at Hill Air Force Base in Utah to Al Dhafra airbase in the United Arab Emirates to participate in coalition air