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Summary of the 2018 Department Of Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Harnessing AI to Advance Our Security and Prosperity The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) protects our nation by deterring war and winning the nation’s wars when deterrence fails. In fulfilling this mission, we have always been at the forefront of technological advances to ensure an enduring competitive military advantage against those who threaten our security

No More “Playing Defense” for U.S. Navy; Offensive Weapons Are the Play

SAN DIEGO: The Navy is shifting the focus of its surface and submarine fleets from defending against missile attacks to developing new weapons and tactics that prioritize hitting first and fast, service leaders said Wednesday. “We’ve spent a lot of time over the past years playing defense,” Rear Adm. Ronald Boxall, director of surface warfare,

Navy’s Last F-18 Hornet Squadron Sundowns Ahead of Transition to Super Hornet

The Navy held a sundown ceremony on Friday for its last operational F-18 Hornet squadron, with the “Blue Blasters” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 34 taking their last flight over Naval Air Station Oceana before transitioning to newer jets. The Navy has flown the Hornet since 1978, with the service first deploying the F-18A/B Hornet

Pentagon Reinforces Mandate for Electronics Design Open-Systems Standards Like SOSA, FACE, and VICTORY

WASHINGTON – Top U.S. military leaders are reinforcing their commitment to open-systems standards for embedded computing and electronics design, as outlined in a memorandum signed last week by the secretaries of the U.S. Navy, Army, and Air Force. The memo, directed to the Pentagon”s service acquisition executives and program executive officers, calls out existing and

DoD Official Describes Missile Defense Strategy

James H. Anderson, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for strategy, plans, and capabilities, spoke about the 2019 Missile Defense Review at the Brookings Institution in Washington, Jan. 29. He noted that the strategy covers the Defense Department’s three lines of effort: lethality, partnership and reform. Here are his main points: 1. The Threat China and

Amid 2020 Satellite Launch Targets, Capella Space Selects Phase Four for Maxwell On-Orbit Propulsion System

Early access purchase agreement demonstrates industry demand for Phase Four”s new small satellite engine EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Jan. 31, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Today Phase Four, a best in class provider of electric radio frequency (RF) thrusters for in-space propulsion, announced that Capella Space, an aerospace and information services company providing Earth observation data on demand,

What to expect from Shanahan”s DOD

At least for the time being, the Department of Defense is being led by a former contractor with limited government and no active duty military experience. Patrick Shanahan, the former Boeing executive who was elevated to the Pentagon”s top job after the departure (or dismissal) of former Marine General Jim Mattis, has a reputation as

IAC Director Thomas Gillespie is Keynote Speaker at the 5th Annual Defense Research and Development Summit

Thomas Gillespie will be featured as a keynote speaker for the Potomac Officers Club’s 5th Annual Defense Research and Development Summit on January 15th. During the event at the Hyatt Regency in McLean, Va., the discussion will focus on defense R&D plans, priorities, challenges and how the industry is working to make changes and reach

75 Breakthroughs by America”s National Laboratories

The National Laboratory System: Protecting America Through Science and Technology. America”s National Laboratories have been changing and improving the lives of millions of people for more than 75 years. Born at a time when the world faced a dire threat, the laboratories came together to advance science, safeguard the nation and protect our freedoms for

Russia Claims Laser Weapon Designed to Obliterate Targets Within Fractions of a Second Has Entered Combat Service

The Peresvet combat laser, a weapon Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted about earlier this year, has entered experimental combat service with the Russian armed forces. A new Russian laser weapon designed to instantly obliterate targets entered military service over the weekend, the Russian defense ministry revealed. Russia’s Peresvet laser system, named after the medieval warrior

Steam-Powered Asteroid Hoppers Developed Through University of Central Florida (UCF) Collaboration

By using steam rather than fuel, the microwave-size spacecraft prototype can theoretically explore celestial objects “forever.” Using steam to propel a spacecraft from asteroid to asteroid is now possible, thanks to a collaboration between a private space company and the University of Central Florida. UCF planetary research scientist Phil Metzger worked with Honeybee Robotics of

The New Infrastructure the Air Force Needs for Multidomain Operations

What’s missing for the Air Force to be able to simultaneously execute operations in multiple domains of warfare simultaneously in support of a single primary objective? An overarching collaborative infrastructure for systems and sensors to talk to each other. The Air Force is missing the overarching, collaborative infrastructure of systems and sensors that talk to