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10 Years After Wanat: Lessons for Future Combat

Army leaders should look to this battle to prepare for brutal fights in the future. The attack began with a single burst of machine gun fire, followed by a score of rocket-propelled grenades. For the next 90 minutes, a platoon of U.S. soldiers and a handful of reinforcements would fight off a wave of more

Ballistic and Cruise Missiles and the Air and Missile Defense Systems Designed to Defeat Them

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Missile Defense Project, Missile Threat Website The Missile Threat website brings together authoritative and up-to-date open source information and analysis about ballistic and cruise missiles around the globe and the systems designed to defend against them. Missile Threat is a product of the Missile Defense Project at the

The Misguided Campaign to Undermine OTAs and Innovation

The breathtaking pace at which our adversaries deploy new offensive cyber tools and techniques has sprinted past our existing legacy IT systems, which cannot be modified fast enough to make them secure. To fight back, we need the ability to procure new technologies to keep pace with the development of new technologies. In government contracting,

Energy Department Details Gaps in Capability to Mitigate Effects of Cyber Attacks on U.S. Electric Grid

US Department of Energy (DOE) releases report that assesses the risk of cyber threats to the U.S. power grid. DOE said Wednesday the report “Assessment of Electricity Disruption Incident Response Capabilities” was prepared in accordance with President Donald Trump’s executive order that aims to build up the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and federal networks. The

Policy & Society: What Is so Wicked About Wicked Problems?

A conceptual analysis and a research program. Abstract – The concept of wicked problems has become a fad in contemporary policy analysis, with any number of problems being labeled as “wicked”. However, if many of these problems are analyzed using a strict definition of the concept they do not meet the criteria. Building on this

Smart Swarms Seek New Ways to Cooperate

The Complex Rheology And Biomechanics Lab (CRAB Lab) in the School of Physics at The Georgia Institute of Technology is developing new algorithms to show how swarms of very simple robots can be made to work together as a group. “Our whole perspective is: What’s the simplest computational model that will achieve these complicated tasks?”

Deep in the Pentagon, a Secret AI Program to Find Hidden Nuclear Missiles

The U.S. military is increasing spending on a secret research effort to use artificial intelligence to help anticipate the launch of a nuclear-capable missile, as well as track and target mobile launchers in North Korea and elsewhere. The effort has gone largely unreported, and the few publicly available details about it are buried under a

The US Is Running Out of Bombs — and It May Soon Struggle to Make More

The Pentagon plans to invest more than $20 billion in munitions in its next budget. But whether the industrial base will be there to support such massive buys in the future is up in the air — at a time when America is expending munitions at increasingly intense rates. The annual Industrial Capabilities report, put

US Signals Major Boost to Hypersonic Weapons in 2019

In response to Chinese and Russian advances, the U.S. is building its own hypersonic arsenal. More signs are emerging across the U.S. Department of Defense that it is taking the military threat of Chinese hypersonic weapons seriously, and redoubling efforts to field similar weapons of its own. Hypersonic weapons, which are considered High-Speed Maneuvering Weapons,

GAO: DOD Slow to Field Cross-Functional Teams

Congress passed a law in 2016 mandating that senior leadership at DOD improve collaboration and address several “organizational challenges”—but to date the largest federal agency remains behind in implementing change, so concludes a new report by the Government Accountability Office. The department has moved on “some statutory requirements in section 911 of the National Defense

Overcoming a Major Wave Energy Challenge

Abstract. This report summarizes the activities conducted under the DOE-EERE funded project DE-EE0006400, where ABB Inc. (ABB), in collaboration with Texas A&M’s Advanced Electric Machines & Power Electronics (EMPE) Lab and Resolute Marine Energy (RME) designed, derisked, developed, and demonstrated a novel magnetically geared electrical generator for direct-drive, low-speed, high torque MHK applications The project

IBM AI Learns the Art of Debate

How informed is your point-of-view? IBM is augmenting human-decision making through Project Debater research and advances in the ability of artificial intelligent (AI) systems to master natural language, comprehend complex arguments, and model human dilemmas. Today, an artificial intelligence (AI) system engaged in the first ever live, public debates with humans. At an event held